SKY DIVE LODI - Lodi Skydiving Skydive Parachute northern California. Tandem Jumps, training.



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- About Us -

Introductory Jump
(Tandem Jump with an Instructor)
13,000 feet, all equipment included
Open Daily from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
No reservations required
Photos and Video Available
$50 for either Photo or Video
$75 for both the Photo and Video
We offer
Gift Certificates for any Occasion

The Parachute Center is one of the largest and oldest drop zones in the United States, serving the sport since 1964. We welcome skydivers of all skill levels at the drop zone. The Parachute Center offers airlift services for skydivers, and has various aircraft available to serve its customers, including 3 Super Otters. Experienced skydivers can jump at 13,000 feet for $15. The Parachute Center also has gear available to rent for $35.

Independent business operators whose business is to serve the skydiving community, will often bring their businesses to and operate their business at the Parachute Center, offering their services to new and experienced skydivers. While the services offered by independent business operators vary, they may include tandem skydiving Instruction, certification instruction, and instruction relative to the various disciplines within the sport of skydiving. Other independent business operators offer videography, photography and parachute packing services at the Parachute Center.

The price of each skydiving experience and skydiving related service will vary depending on the services purchased and the independent business operator providing the services. In general, independent business operators typically charge $100 for a tandem skydive, however the body weight of a skydiver is a consideration that may affect the negotiated price. In general, tandem skydiving may be available to skydivers with a body weight of up to 300 lbs., however, an additional charge of $1.00 per pound will be charged over the body weight of 200 pounds. In general, independent business operators typically charge $50 to $75 for videography and photography packages, depending upon the package selected and price negotiated. Skydivers are to negotiate rates for services directly with the independent business operators of their choice.

All skydivers must be 18 years of age to skydive, however skydivers that are 16 or 17 years old may skydive with a parent or legal guardian present. We suggest that skydivers wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.
The Parachute Center is open EVERY DAY, starting at 9:00 a.m. and we jump as the weather permits. We ask that you arrive no later than 3:00 p.m., although we do jump later.

We accept Master Card, Visa ATM (1$ charge) and cash.

- Accelerated Training Program -

Prerequisite:  1 tandem jump within 30 days of starting the Course; 10 to 15 minutes in the Wind Tunnel  ( - 510-489-4359); leave a deposit (when doing your Tandem) of $500.00 minimum at which time you will receive the training material which will require 2 to 3 days of study time.  The Course itself will take 2 to 3 consecutive days during the week. Make arrangements with one of the following Instructors at IFLYSF in Union City (Bay Area) prior to starting the Course.  10 to 15 minutes in he tWind Tunnel will make a big difference in your awareness and performance.

Jeff Dimock
TJ Landgren
Neil Wilcox
Katie Hansen

The Accelerated Training Program is the latest approach for training students the skills and techniques of Skydiving. The cost of this course is $1000. This includes the seven levels of training and jumps the student will progress through. The unique feature offered by this program includes the student and Instructor making each jump together from 13,000 feet, about a 50 second freefall. Not only will the student learn aircraft procedures, but also the freefall body position and relative work (skydiving with other enthusiasts) skills will be introduced and mastered under direct supervision of your Instructor. This is a fast paced program and the student will complete this program within 2 to 3 consecutive days.  This course is offered during the week (Monday through Friday) by appointment only.  If repeat jumps are necessary to complete the program, it will cost $110 and $135 depending on the level.

Plan to stay all day for the program. Registration is at 9:00 am for the program. We do not accept personal checks but we do accept M/C, Visa, and ATM etc.  The Center uses all modern equipment and training techniques. The price for all jumps includes the equipment, plane ride, all instruction and the jump. Wear loose comfortable clothing, tennis shoes and bring food. After each jump you will receive an individual critique and entry in your own personal logbook. We are open 7 days a week, year round and jump weather permitting. For either program it is to your benefit to complete the course in a timely manner and continue on into skydiving. Feel free to call with any further questions.

- Contacting Us -

Parachute Center
P.O. Box 423
23597 N. Hwy. 99,
Acampo, Ca 95220
Ph. (209) 369-1128
Fax: (209) 366-0235
(approx. 4 miles north of Lodi - See "Our Location" below)


- Our Location -

Driving Instructions: The Parachute Center is located south of Sacramento on the "west side" of Highway 99.   From I-80, I-50, or I-5, take Highway 99 south about 27 miles from the interchange in Sacramento. Go past Elk Grove and Galt. About 4 miles south of Galt, you will need to take the Jahant Exit off the Highway and go south on the access road (on the Jahant exit you turn left at the stop sign, then straight at the next stop sign, then at the T intersection which is the 3rd stop sign turn left) and the access road will follow around the edge of the Lodi Airport. The Parachute Center is located on the west side of Hwy. 99 on the south side of the Airport. Follow the Parachute signs and we will be located on the right side.

If you are traveling north on I-5 take Hwy 4 east in Stockton to Highway 99. The Parachute Center is located north of Stockton and Lodi. Exit at Peltier Road, then turn right at the stop sign. Take another right at the next stop sign which will take you over the freeway you were just on.  You are now on the the west side of the freeway. Take the next immediate right as soon as you cross the overpass (there is no stop sign at this turn) then proceed north along the west side of the freeway for 1/2 mile. You will see the Parachute Center on the left.

If you are Hwy 12 go east from the Bay Area to Lodi. Then take Hwy 99 North and follow the instructions from above.

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